Master Control Program

Is a simple MCP/MVC framework with out compose or other features an compatible with php 5.3 and more

Why MCP?

The big difference of a standard mvc and mvp is the presence obbligatories of a central code. and your functionality is an extension of it :

A MCP is a layer, whe you ad this on your code, then is automatic estended with this features

    Web >> Your Code << MCP >> New Features;

That make the developper and the designer in a very confident solution :

Don't Need Composer but support it

lnxmcp is born to is indipendent with composer, if is present use it if is not present is a substitute of it and the autoloader

work with php 5.3 and upper

the logic is to be a manager of older and new code

support function and class namespace

The logic inside support both nmespace function and class

It's a reflection framework and not a solid framework

It is implement:

for more info /docs/api/index.html | Api Docs

for more info /docs/api/modules/index.html | Api Module Docs

for more info | Wiki GitHub Pages

LNX (LinHUniX) MCP (Master Control Program) is a share code with free license.

Develop and Maintain by LinHUniX Ltd - 2002/2020 - Author is Andrea Morello (LinHUniX)

is a parts of the LN4 Note projects

tag to init row:

<? /*LNXMCP-INIT*/ if (function_exists("lnxmcp")==false){ include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/app.php" ; }; lnxmcp()->imhere(); /*LNXMCP-END*/ ?>